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Lesson planning is a key skill and requirement for teachers. Which of the following statements applies to you?
I lesson plan consistently.
I know how to create a lesson plan, but sometimes I do not lesson plan.
I do not know how to lesson plan, so I do not lesson plan.
I lesson plan, but I do not consistently use the lesson plan in my lessons
There are different ways of engaging learners during a lesson. Which of the following strategies do you frequently use?
Question and answer, groupwork, think pair share, turn and talk / pairing
Question and answer, groupwork, think pair share, turn and talk / pairing, quick write
Question and answer, group work
Question and answer
Which one of the following statements applies to you?
I set academic goals or targets for my learners / all the classes I teach.
I only set academic goals or targets for grade 8
I involve my learners in setting academic and behavioral goals.
I do not set learning or academic goals for my learners.
What strategies do you use to empower your learners to be critical thinkers? I ___
Ask them a lot of questions throughout the lesson
Allow them to ask questions during all lessons
Allow them to ask and answer open -ended questions
Give them learning projects to critique, re-organize, argue and debate about.
The following methodologies strategies are learner-centered. Which ones do you use in your classroom? Select all that apply
Select All
Turn and Talk
Peer Teaching
Project work
None of the above
Maintaining a culture of inclusivity involves leveraging on learners' strengths for engagement. How can you include learners in their own learning process?
I plan all the learning experiences alone being the teacher
By engaging the learners in planning the learning experiences
Parental engagement by asking parents to buy all learning materials
I still need to learn more about building a strong classroom culture
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