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Behavior management is an important skill for all teachers to have because when learners behave well or when a teacher corrects off-task behavior, learning will take place. Which of the following statements apply to you?
I give clear instructions to learners
I consistently correct off-task behaviour positively using methods such as non-verbal, positive group correction, anonymous individual correction, private individual correction, lightning-quick public correction, and I have a positive relationship with my learners.
I consistently correct off-task behaviour positively using methods such as non-verbal, positive group correction, anonymous individual correction, private individual correction, lightning-quick public correction.
I give clear instructions and mention the names of the learners following the instructions.
There are different ways of managing learner behavior. Which of the following statement applies to you?
I use sarcasm and verbal insults to correct off task learner
I cane my learners when they make mistakes
I have class rules
I have class rules, with rewards and consequence.
Which of the following statements applies to you? Tick all that apply.
I always have enough tasks to keep students busy during my lessons.
My classes are comfortable; they are clean, have enough lighting and reasonable desk arrangement.
I walk around the class during my lessons
I have clear classroom procedures and routines.
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