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Which of the following statements applies to you? Tick all that apply
I am able to control and channel negative emotions e.g. I can communicate without raising my voice even when I am annoyed.
I recognize and consider others’ feelings – along with other factors – in decision-making process i.e. I am able to understand everyone’s feelings and opinions even if I disagree.
I have a good understanding of my emotions, strengths, weaknesses.
I understand how my emotions affect me and the people around me.
I can recognize my triggers and stressors (e.g., When do I feel worried? What calms me down?)
Which of the following statements is true? Tick all that apply
Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much.
We should praise learners for “working hard”
We should praise learners for “being smart”
No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
Which of the following applies to you or your school?
Learners in our school look happy and freely approach teachers when they have a problem.
I can tell if a child has a problem e.g. abuse, neglect, etc.
Outsiders freely interact with learners.
We have written child protection guidelines.
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