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Which of the following statements applies to you or your school? Tick all that apply
I check for understanding during my lessons.
I regularly analyse student data and identify their strengths and gaps or areas of improvement.
I or we regularly analyse the different data we collect e.g. attendance, performance, and use it to make decisions.
I can state and explain the eight core values outlined in the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF).
Which of the following statements applies to you? Tick all that apply
I know the different types of portfolios.
I can confidently guide my learners in creating portfolios and all my learners have portfolios.
I can describe the stages of portfolio development.
I can identify features of a good portfolio e. g. name, age, grade, gender, and school.
Which of the following statements applies to you? Tick all that apply.
I know the components of a rating scale.
I can comfortably use an assessment rubric to assess learners.
I know the different tools used in Competency Based Assessment e.g. questionnaires, rubrics, written tests, observation schedules, etc.
I know the components of a questionnaire.
I can identify features of a good portfolio e. g. name, age, grade, gender, and school.
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